Take A Tour
The nursery is divided into three main areas:
Penguin Room ( 0-2 years)
The Penguin room at Bluebirds is situated upstairs. It is a bright and welcoming room, which can be divided into different areas for different activities. We can accommodate 12 babies in the room. The ratio of staff to babies is 1:3.
The staff in the Penguin room are qualified and experienced. They are able to encourage the babies through their early stages of development. Each baby is allocated a “key person” who is responsible for settling the baby in and documenting their development.
The routine in the baby room is adaptable to suit the individual needs of the young baby. Sensory play is offered each day – including sand, water, and play dough.
The babies have the opportunity to play outside each day (weather permitting). Parents are asked to supply nappies and wipes and any creams required. Parents are also asked to supply their baby’s dry formula in its original container and this will be made by the staff for the baby as of when needed. The nursery will supply every other meal for your baby during their time with us.
Prior to your baby starting in the Penguin room, you will be offered two or three free short settling-in sessions. This is normally in the week leading up to their start date. The first is for you and your baby, to get to know the staff who will be looking after your baby. The staff will to go through their daily routine, likes/dislikes and the baby care plan. The second one is for your child to get used to the nursery environment. If the senior member of staff feels a third visit would be beneficial, a convenient time will be arranged with you.
Pelican Room (2-3 years)
The Pelican room is for our 2 year olds.
A wide range of toys, puzzles and games are available and changed regularly. Activities are based on a weekly theme taken from observations on the children during play. The aim is to develop the children’s knowledge by working on things which interest them.
Activities for the two years old are very short and interesting. The children are not
Each age group starts the morning session with circle time. This is a group session aimed at developing the children’s concentration. With the younger age group, it is for a shorter period of time. The children talk about the weather and days of the week. They also discuss the topic and basic counting, shapes and colours.
Peacock Room (3- 5 years)
The third room is used by both groups for arts and crafts, messy play, dinning and so on.
The older children also have topic-related activities which cover EYFS 7 areas of learning (see aims). They develop concentration and work on their pre-reading and writing skills. The session always ends with a poem or story usually related to the theme. Circle time is followed by drinks and a snack. The children choose from water or milk for their meal. They are encouraged to pour their own drinks and they also have the choice of fruit or savoury snacks.
Each day a craft or messy activity is offered. During dry weather and summer, a lot of activities take place outdoors than during the wet weather or winter.
Other areas
Our Garden
The outside areas are split to ensure the children have a variety of experiences. During each session, our team ensures that the children have as much fresh air as possible.
The children will have free access to the outdoors where they can play, explore, make music, ride tricycle and so on, while been supervised all the time by members of staff.
Sensory Tent
At Bluebirds, we have a sensory tent. This is a great place for children to escape to and unwind from the busy nursery room. It is a place for instilling a calm and tranquil which enables children to relax and let their exploratory minds evolve.
Practitioners are able to observe and assess children playing in this area. The observation is then used to plan the child’s next step and other activities based on their interest.
Our Kitchen
We have a fully equipped kitchen as part of the main nursery premises so that all nursery meals and snacks can be provided on site. Our kitchen is a registered food premises and is subject to
Environmental Health inspection and regulation. The cook is qualified and hold a food hygiene and safety certificate. She has also completed Allergen and COSHH training courses. She also manages our allergy list effectively.
Meal times are designed to be a sociable experience for the children. Children are able to initiate conversations with one another in a relaxed and caring environment with an adult nearby for support.
Children are provided with drinks, snacks and meals throughout the day according to our menu. A copy of our menu is displayed on the parent’s notice board in the foyer. The menu is as varied as possible and is designed to incorporate children’s favourite meals.
We provide nutritious and healthy food for our children everyday which our fussy eaters are not able to resist!
We are able to cater for special diets e.g. vegetarian, wheat, gluten, dairy, nut free etc. as required, by working closely with parents. It is important that we are fully aware of your children’s allergies or special dietary needs as the point of registration.Our Car Park
We have a big car park at the front of the nursery for parent’s use for drop off and pick up only. Parents are allowed to use the car park for this purpose only.